Integration for blockchains
If you represent a blockchain and would like Minimax to get deployed on your blockchain, here are the possible scenarios:
EVM-compatible blockchains: It's great if your blockchain is supported by these platforms and components (but not mandatory):
Gelato network (for automation of stop-loss, take-profit and other events). If there is no Gelato support on your network, then we will use our in-house centralized bots for automation.
1inch network (for better exchange rates for conversion depositing and withdrawals). If there is no 1inch, we will use MinimaxMarket (on-chain uniswap v2/v3 DEX aggregator), which is pretty good, but not as efficient as 1inch, due to decentralized nature.
DeBridge Finance (for cross-chain swaps and cross-chain deposits). If there is no DeBridge support, then users won't be able to use cross-chain swaps where source or target blockchain is yours.
Chainlink price feeds (we use Chainlink price feeds to ensure correct execution of our automation actions). If there is no Chainlink in your blockchain, then we will use estimation from our MinimaxMarket contracts (which is still good, but less reliable).
Metamask / Other wallet supported by our app (this is needed to connect your blockchain to our application. For example, there is no TRON support yet in Metamask, however TRON is EVM-compatible)
On average EVM-compatible blockchains may be added in 1-1.5 weeks due to flexible smart contracts architecture .
Non EVM-compatible (e. g. Solana):
Can be considered on request. Consumes much more time to add.
Last updated
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